People, sunshine, words, and places to fly

realityblogaward  very-inspirational-blogger

Well it’s been about six months now since cleaning this blog out from from being one on enterprise systems (Yes, parts of me are wide and varied, from communication, information systems and databases, to web development, multimedia production, animation, feature writing, and public relations), and converting it to one where I post writing of a creative, and fictional kind.

Above are three awards to of graced posts in the blog you’re reading now, I’m thankful for all of them, and the people they’ve come from, skilled crafters’ of spoken, written, words, and much more.

Scarlet NguniShine on Award. Scarlet is working on a book about her life changing adventure.

Blue88  – Reality Award. Blue88 has written a book that he has just finished editing awhile ago, and is now writing his next book.

UzomaVery inspiring blogger Award. Uzoma is working on his first book, and is into writing and exploring African proverbs.

Go check out their sites and writing, all well worth reading.

In the last six months I’ve visited and read many blogs of different varieties, poetry, short story, photography, travel, up and coming novelists, and many more. All of them worth visiting, reading, participating and interact with through comments, etc.

Below are some of the people, sunshine, words, and places to fly that I’ve spent much time becoming lost in, in a good way, with what they create, share, give, and ask. No order, just beautiful people in mind, heart, and soul, with how they live and create their worlds.


John Coyote – John’s a writer of a life lived in many ways, and his poetry reflects living it in the stories it holds.

Maryam Shahbaz – Maryam’s world will take you inside of conflicts and to places of escape, dreams, and more.

Brandy Desiree – Brandy writes poetry with gusto, when read aloud it has a presence to take you inside her world of words and thoughts.

Elena Levon – Elena’s travels are lived with the people of where she goes, rather than just being a tourist to the world, here writing and photography breathes this existence.

Alarna Rose Gray – Alarna’s writing explores many aspects to living, and the choices we make with everyday life, to where they lead us, family and experiences.

Kellie Elmore – Kellie’s window to her world, is like a door that she opens, and when you walk through there is a vast realm to the different vistas of life from experiences.

Circular Tree – Circular Tree’s world comes with a soundtrack to experience life with a singular tree, in all the weather and the companions company it shares with and in the author of the experiences. A delightful place to venture, if you have the time at any degree.

Seyi Sandra – Sandra’s writing covers a wide range, even her humour and books are an adventure in her world, never sure what’s around the corner.

Beautiful people, and their worlds of wonder, dreams, and spaces of moments, write, create, and keep on exploring.

I need to add a few more, and will later this week.

10 responses to “People, sunshine, words, and places to fly

    • Thank you… Though my writing contains a lot of what I’ve lived, and come across over time, personal essays is not a place I’ve ventured yet. Have studied feature writing (written a few pieces) in the past, it’s something I need to get back to too.

      • I’ll be looking forward to that. The poetry in your writings undulate spontaneously btw. I must learn a thing or two from you because I confess to not being so much of a poem person. Which means I’ll be following your beautiful blog.
        Pardon me for the delay in my response. I intentionally go offline on weekdays to discipline myself from getting glued to my computer. 🙂
        Glad to meet you, Sean.

      • Thank you, Marj, good to meet you too. Delays are okay, gives one time to think 🙂 Poetry is a writing that has many forms, there are still many I’m yet to attempt, but they’re fun to explore and experiment with, depending on what’s floating around in the mind at the time. The thing sometimes to ponder, is there is poetry in everything we see and do, us, it’s in everything, the whole world around us, we only need to explore a little to notice, and write. Have a good weekend, Marj.

  1. That’s so sweet of you Sean, thanks so much. I also love your new theme. I’m lost though, I’ve been perambulating around your blog for half an hour. I have read your new poem and as always, I’m blown away. But I couldn’t find the like button or comment. I’ll still hang around till I do, I don’t give up!
    Much love. 🙂

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